Prayer Request

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Provided by Cecile Tidwell

December 16, 2024

UPDATE 11:15a - Nancy is being kept for another night and they will run some tests tomorrow. She is in ICU at the old WNJ hospital ( not sure of the new name).

UPDATE 11:15a - Morris talked with the Doctor's office and his PET scan showed no recurring infection. She is checking on other things and will call him back.

Nancy Thomas got sick this afternoon with vomiting, diarrhea and blood pressure dropped real low. She is in the ER and she'll be staying overnight so they can keep an eye on her blood pressure. She will have some tests tomorrow since they think she may have bleeding somewhere.

Morris Cook is home. All of his cardiac enzymes were good. They will follow up with Dr. Brinkman in the morning via a phone call.

Faye -  Praises! One doctor says she's in excellent health. Retina doctor said though she does have the disease there are no immediate concerns

Tommy Thomas - scans on his carotid arteries on Tuesday

Vickie Johnson - travel safety as she has several trips she will be making

Dennis Allen - heart function not as good as last year, but doctor is not concerned

Debbie and Cindy (Christi's cousins) - their mom passed away

Jack Norman - good report, cancer is gone

Nancy Thomas got sick this afternoon with vomiting, diarrhea and blood pressure dropped real low. She is in the ER and she'll be staying overnight so they can keep an eye on her blood pressure. She will have some tests tomorrow since they think she may have bleeding somewhere.

Morris Cook is home. All of his cardiac enzymes were good. They will follow up with Dr. Brinkman in the morning via a phone call.

Our Nation

Our church

Bonnie Smith - health

Harold Finney - recovering from back surgery

Jackie Moss (Christi's grandfather) - stage 4 kidney failure, hooked to oxygen with a tube

John Allen (Dennis and Ginger's son) - has a mass on his neck, test results show no cancer and anything negative, don't know what it is

During this Holiday season let's remember to pray for those who are struggling, whether it be because of loss of family, sickness, homelessness, domestic abuse, loneliness, etc.

Continue to pray for:

Tracy Wilson (missionary in Faye's Bible Study) - in Ecuador

Kathy and Dan - missionaries in Georgia (former part of Russia) - Pray for their mission and safety

Faye Hussey - diagnosed with a retina disease that will progressively get worse

Praise! Suzanne's son, 46, accepted Christ, growing in faith

Shirley Davis - cancer is back

Donald Booth (Faye's niece's husband) - diagnosed with early stages Parkinson's Disease on top of numerous health issues

Bill Tinsley - back pain

Naomi Young (Denise's friend) - rare form of cancer, results from last tests are great and she is able to go back to teaching

Kayla Alvarez (friend of GInger's) - needs a kidney transplant, dialysis quit working

Eli (Christi's son) - spiritual insight

GJ and Carrie Martin (Faye's niece and husband) - GJ has bone marrow cancer, prayers for salvation

People affected by the hurricane

Craig and Heather Cadaret (Cecile's friends) - Craig will start 4th round of chemo for stage 4 colon cancer, after treatment is done will have scans to see how tumor is reacting 

Continue to pray for great things to happen in our church

Bobby Holloway (Thomas' brother-in-law) - has dementia and has moved into a memory care facility

Doris and Doreen (Christi's boss and mother) - mother Doris has cancer

Shelby (Vicki's friend in prison) - repentant about her past, growing in faith

Chase (son of Denise's friend Lisa Ward) - finished chemo

Donna's sister - ill, hospice has been called in

Jeannie Glidewell (Bill's cousin's wife) - diagnosed with stage 4 esophageal cancer, stomach cancer, and cancer in liver, cancer has spread

Shannon Davis (Faye's friend) - had double mastectomy plus more surgery

Dr. LaFavors (Professor at DBU) - toe was amputated a year ago, it is infected and he will be in the hospital until it is resolved

Peggy (Andra's cousin) - metastatic cancer
Betty White (friend of Jack and Texanna's) - in the hospital with heart issues

James and Stephanna Mayo - James was diagnosed with cancer 

Jeri's brother Jim and his wife Ann - Ann has breast cancer and has decided no to pursue treatment (pray for peace and comfort)

Jane Castaldo ( Bill & Faye's niece) - had uterine cancer, had complete hysterectomy and doctors believe they got all the cancer

Connor Bell (Faye's niece's son) - joined Army

Children's dept. and growth of the church - pray fervently we will touch people's hearts and they will want to be a part of our congregation

Diana Lupercio and Steven Whiddon - (Faye's friends) - Both are in need of kidney transplants and are seeking donors, Steven has a prospective donor

Faye's brother in law's wife - has cancer 

Darryl Parker (Barbara and David Franklin's son in law) - He has late stage cancer of kidney and Liver

Maddie Leamon (Doug's friend) - health not good

Pray for Israel

Joy ( Faye's cousin) - cancer

Donald Booth (Bill and Faye's niece's husband) - heart issue, he fell and has braces on both knees

William Somerall - leukemia

Feed My Sheep - Have more families needing food; monetary or food donations appreciated

Jay Ward (friend of Bill and Faye) - Serious condition (heart, renal failure, battling dementia).

Janice Herbert (Faye's cousin) - Cancer

Jim Young (friends of Faye and Bill in Llano) - cancer

Children and Youth ministries

Wayland (Nancy's nieces boss' family) - has brain cancer, 6 years old

Pam King: radiation treatments for recurring breast cancer

Tate and Mitzi Siegenthlar (friends of Bill and Faye) - Tate has been battling cancer for several years, it has now advanced to his brain and he has a short time to live.

Ben Woodson (son of Doug's friend) - incurable cancer

Pete Thackerson (Doug's friend) - bladder cancer

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